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Quickly issue and renew licenses with online licensing software. Departments can speed up issuance timelines and accept online payments.

Streamline License Registration and Renewals

  • Do work in the field or from home
  • Get rid of paper with online storage
  • Drive less by finishing inspections in the field
  • Lower front counter visits
  • Make your citizens happier
  • Receive complete applications every time
  • Have faster review and approval processes
  • Collaborate with other departments easily


Review and approve license applications with ease.

  • Issue, revoke, and renew licenses
  • Streamline the application process with defined application requirements
  • Autogenerate notifications of license status changes to all related parties
  • Filter and organize workspace by status, application type, and a variety of fields
  • Collect secure and convenient payments
Business Licenses

Short-Term Rental Compliance

Set up your short-term rental program quickly.

  • Register for a short-term rental program
  • Renew short-term rental licenses
  • Conduct mobile inspections for compliance
Short Term Rental Compliance

License Dashboard View

Access all the information you need most often on your dashboard as soon as you log into Cloudpermit.

  • Find the most recent applications
  • View upcoming due dates
  • Automate fee calculations
  • Manage information
  • Verify the status of an application
License Dashboard View


Use your phone, tablet, or laptop to perform on-site inspections and efficiently handle simple re-inspections remotely.

  • Input notes and finish inspections while on-site
  • Manage past and upcoming inspections
  • Update inspection results
  • Notify applications when their inspection status changes with automatic emails
  • Dispatch and manage multiple inspectors/inspections
Short Term Rental Inspections

GIS Integration

Seamlessly integrate your GIS for accurate and relevant location information.

  • Find up-to-date property information
  • Plan routes for site visits
  • Separate areas into zones
Licensing GIS View

Data Import

Easily import past licenses into Cloudpermit.

  • Move existing data into a new system
  • Store past licenses online
  • Keep all information in one place
Business Licensing Data Import

Renewal Management

Renew licenses with ease online.

  • Get notified before renewals are due
  • Send automatic email notifications to license owners for renewals
  • See dashboard view for upcoming renewals
Business Licesnsing Renewal


Enhance your operations with software configured to align with your requirements.

  • Revise workflows
  • Modify license validity periods
  • Use forms to gather defined data
  • Add related parties to an application
  • Request additional reviews for an application
  • Set notification frequency for reminders on license expiry
Business Licensing Configuration

Document Management

Manage and sort documents simply and quickly with Cloudpermit.

  • Manage documents for multiple licenses
  • Filter and sort relevant information by free text, license status, category type, etc.
  • Archive issued applications automatically
Business Licensing Document Management


Take advantage of custom reports and one-click downloads to learn more about the data surrounding your licenses.

  • Create reports for license renewals
  • Review application start dates
  • Use templates
  • Track outstanding fees
  • Download reports as an Excel or CSV file
Business Licensing Reporting


Ensure secure online and over-the-counter payments.

  • Collect fees
  • Set up late penalties
  • Integrate with PCI Compliant third-party payment gateways
  • Notify citizens of upcoming or overdue payments
  • Streamline management of due payments
Business Licensing Payment
Business Licenses
Short Term Rental Compliance
License Dashboard View
Short Term Rental Inspections
Licensing GIS View
Business Licensing Data Import
Business Licesnsing Renewal
Business Licensing Configuration
Business Licensing Document Management
Business Licensing Reporting
Business Licensing Payment
Inspections Conducted

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