Land Use Permitting
Accept and issue zoning, conditional use, and special use permits online with land use permitting software. Government agencies can collaborate and work on the same information to unify building, planning, and zoning departments.
Efficient Collaboration
and Organized Meetings
- Make your citizens happier
- Receive complete applications every time
- Have faster review and approval processes
- Collaborate with other departments easily
Land Use Permits
Accept and issue a land use permit before accepting a building permit application.
- Require land use permits before building permits can be issued
- Accept complete land use permit applications as citizens must complete all fields before their application can be submitted
- Send automatic updates when the status of a permit changes
- Create automatic links between related land use and building permits to track projects and statuses

Keep track of all conditions.
- Assign conditions to permits and clear them prior to closing the files
- Allow collaboration between building, planning, and zoning departments

Efficiently manage all meetings online.
- Organize meetings with stakeholders such as the board of appeals
- Generate meeting packages with important documentation for the board members
- Manage pre-consultation requests
- Create agendas using templates
- Assign applications to upcoming applications

Send circulation requests to receive responses in real-time.
- Record and organize all responses in the same software
- Enable real-time responses from stakeholders
- Keep track of building permits, planning applications, and land use permit responses in one place

Public Notice
- Set up a link/QR code for citizens to receive decisions on permits
- Track public opinion and set up a list of who needs to be contacted

GIS Integrated Maps
- Access detailed property information including different layers like heritage areas
- Search permit locations on a map

- Allow citizens to pay with a credit card
- Let citizens know when their payment is due
- Use an established escrow account to manage funds and pay for permits and applications

Get Set Up Quickly
- Work with a trained Implementation Specialist to learn how to use the software
- Modify lists and descriptions
- Access tutorials and support documents

API Integration
Easily integrate data and services from third-party systems with our API (Application Programming Interface).
- Download attachments in a workspace and update metadata or upload new versions
- Access all inspections data and get inspectors’ work lists
- Get attributes by property ID read from your local GIS
- Get bills and fee items for a workspace
- Query workspaces and request data by property or workspace ID

Inspections Conducted