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A Look Into Data Security – Why You Should Go Digital for Building Permits

April 28, 2021

Cloudpermit, a leading e-permitting software, is committed to excellent data security and treats data security as a top priority.  

Oftentimes, there is a misconception about how secure data is when switching from paper-based or on-premises systems to cloud-based solutions since it can be intimidating to leave paper behind.  

Let’s go through some reasons you should go cloud-based for building permit processes to ensure excellent data security:  

1. Restrict Access to Your Information

2. Eliminate the Threat of Physical Vulnerabilities

3. Remove Any Worry About Computer Crashes or Losing Network Connectivity

4. Stay Protected Against All Known Threats

1/ Restrict Access to Your Information

Cloudpermit has strict measures in place to keep your data secure.  

Each user’s account is protected with an encrypted password, and an algorithm is used to check the strength of each new password. Administrative accounts will be secured with two-factor authentication for additional security.  

Department administrators can determine role-based permissions and restrictions for their staff and other government stakeholders within the software. All parties on the public side (such as contractors and designers) are granted access for each permit separately with a safe invitation-and-acceptance procedure.  

Users in local government building departments have access to the information that belongs to the departments they are added to. Cloudpermit also has a permission model that allows access to specified data of departments within the same local government. All data access, changes, and deletions are logged in the system.

2/ Eliminate the Threat of Physical Vulnerabilities

Storing data online eliminates any threat from physical vulnerabilities. Paper-based and on-premises systems are susceptible to physical vulnerabilities such as hardware failures, theft, forgeries, losing files, and natural disasters, such as fires or floods.  

As a cloud-based software, Cloudpermit stores data in the cloud which eliminates these physical threats. All data is safely secured in three separate zones in Google Cloud, all located within country-specific borders, and managed by Cloudpermit.


3/ Remove Any Worry About Computer Crashes or Losing Network Connectivity

There are no installations or manual updates needed as Cloudpermit is accessible via a browser on any digital device with Internet connectivity.  

Users can access permit applications without worrying about losing information. If a user’s computer crashes or they lose network connectivity, all their information is safe. All information automatically saves in the cloud, minimizing the risk of data loss.


4/ Stay Protected Against All Known Threats

If you have an on-premises solution, can you trust that it is monitored properly and always updated with the latest security updates? With the help of the security solutions in Google Cloud, Cloudpermit can keep the system protected against all known threats, centralized for all its users.  

Cloudpermit also automatically converts uploaded files into PDFs. Users access the PDFs, not the original uploads, to avoid access to any harmful or malicious material.

Cloudpermit also has regular penetration and security testing made by an independent third party, ensuring that we are always aware of the status of our security.  

Do you have any questions about data security? Don’t hesitate to reach out to us and read stories from other local government building departments who trust us with their data.