Success Stories

Make Work Easier, Not Redundant, with Online Software

Written by Cloudpermit | Jun 12, 2024 2:28:13 PM

There is an underlying apprehension about transitioning to cloud-based software in many industries. Many believe that embracing efficiency could jeopardize job security.

Despite these concerns, transitioning to cloud-based software often leads to enhanced productivity and creates new growth opportunities.

Efficiency Boosts and Paper Reductions

A report on the future of the cloud found that 88% of respondents saw increased efficiency with cloud investment.

It also significantly reduces paper in the office. Research estimates that storage occupies 50 to 70 percent of company office space.

New York's Town of North Elba faced such a dilemma in its office.

We were running out of storage space for all our permits. We had permits from the 1970s onwards,” said Britt Waite, North Elba’s Building & Planning Department Clerk/STR Compliance Monitor.

The Town had been looking to modernize its community development in a digital age.

They had been using their old, on-premises system for almost 20 years with few meaningful software updates over that time.

Then, they adopted Cloudpermit for online permitting, planning & zoning, and code enforcement.

Now they receive automatic software updates every few weeks for optimized solutions.

Commitment to Innovation

Cloudpermit’s commitment to innovation was compelling to our team,” said Waite. “We knew they’d be finding new ways to improve their software as they’re a modern presence in this space. It’s fantastic that our suggestions can influence how the software evolves to benefit other governments too.”

There was a shift in efficiency when North Elba moved its permits online.

Cloudpermit has truly streamlined our permit process,” she explained. “Upgrading from on-premises software to the cloud has been like going from a horse to a sports car. Everything is so much easier now.”

Software Can Make Jobs Easier

The public has been able to submit online applications and complaints since March of this year.

It’s a common misconception that software like this could take people’s jobs, like mine, but that never crossed my mind,” Waite expressed. "Using the cloud hasn’t made my role less relevant; it’s simply made my work easier.”

Applicants can submit applications, ask questions, and add attachments online. Someone from North Elba's team reviews everything in the software.

A key difference is that now reviewing applications is more efficient.

They have received significantly fewer phone calls and emails since all conversations can take place within the same software.

There are also fewer people coming in to make payments with checks or cash since they can pay online.

We no longer have the constant interruption of people coming in to submit their permit applications or make payments,” she continued. “Since everything is done online, we can focus more on our work.”

Positive Community Feedback

In the first few months of having Cloudpermit open to the public, North Elba accepted 136 permit applications.

Most applicants easily picked up the new system. Staff have happily shown those with little tech confidence how it works.

Our community, including members of our Amish and elderly populations, has quickly learned how to use Cloudpermit,” explained Waite.

The software has also put more responsibility on the applicant rather than the government to finish applications before submission. This has made it easier for both parties.

Before cloud-based software, applicants could submit applications with missing pieces. Now, they must fill out every required field before they can submit their application.

Requiring all information upfront has made a significant difference for our team and community,” said Waite. “Permit issuance delays used to frustrate our residents, but we couldn't issue their permits with missing information. Now, we instantly receive all information with each online application submission to avoid permit issuance delays. Working in the cloud makes this process smoother for our residents and staff.”

Complete permit applications have streamlined the development approval process in North Elba, as has centralized information.

Now, staff can access community development information with one software.

Strong Collaboration Between Departments and Software Provider

We have less clutter and paper in our office now,” Waite shared. “We can easily share information between departments, such as showing a building permit to our zoning board. We can ensure our staff stay informed with online permitting, zoning, and code enforcement software.”

Staff feedback about the software has been positive.

Our code enforcement inspectors find it valuable to access all property information in one view, send messages, and receive documents online,” she continued. “Cloudpermit has also empowered our team to review information when one of us is on vacation. Before, I’d return to find paperwork waiting for me on my desk since it was just me who could review specific paperwork. Now, we can review paperwork for each other since everything is accessible to us online.”

North Elba found its implementation process to be smooth.

We learned how to use the software quickly,” said Waite. “We had a great sales and implementation process. Cloudpermit's team has been responsive and friendly. They’ve resolved any issues or questions we've had quickly.”

As Waite looks to the future, she is excited about how the office will function in another few years. She knows that when she looks for a recent permit application, she won't need to sort through a filing cabinet.

Instead, she can just log into Cloudpermit and quickly find what she needs. The cloud has changed how the office works for the better.

We’re exploring adding another Cloudpermit solution to our toolkit,” concluded Waite. “If we do, I’m confident it’ll be easy to use. All Cloudpermit’s solutions follow the same user-friendly structure, so we would expect a short learning curve.”

To learn more about how the cloud boosts efficiency, contact us.