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Selling Community Development Software to Your City Manager

Written by Cloudpermit | Aug 9, 2023 3:18:38 PM

Your city manager wants what’s best for your city and the answer is simple: more efficient community development. Online land management has become a game-changer for local governments looking to boost efficiency and improve transparency into how their city gets built.

Cloudpermit is cloud-based, end-to-end software that gives local governments simple building permitting, business licensing, planning & zoning, and code enforcement. Once you’ve decided that Cloudpermit is the right community development software for you, the next step is to sell the software to your city manager.

Highlight the Need for Change

It’s a good idea to start by addressing the community development challenges your government currently faces. Perhaps your department still relies on paper-based systems that cause delays, data loss, and a lack of transparency. Or your department uses an on-premises system that does not allow work to be done in the field.

You can emphasize how your outdated system leaves money on the table and explain how embracing Cloudpermit will mark a significant shift toward facilitating community growth, speeding up the development approval process, and improving citizen relationships.

Showcase the Benefits

Emphasize the advantages Cloudpermit offers over your current system or other software providers. It is user-friendly, cost-effective, and allows your citizens to use the same software as your government team. Highlight the positive impact on staff productivity and citizen relationships by focusing on other governments that have enjoyed the software with great success in Cloudpermit’s 50+ customer stories.

Illustrate Cost Savings

City managers are often concerned about the community’s budget and want to understand their return on investment. Highlight how Cloudpermit can help save valuable time with more efficient processes, reduce operational costs, and enable your team to hire remote or part-time staff. Find out how much we can help you save with our ROI calculator here.

Our software can truly be an investment in your community’s future, like some of our customers who have increased their permit value by 105.9% since moving online.

Address Security and Compliance

Oftentimes, city managers are concerned about data security and compliance because they want to keep their community’s information safe. You can take this time to assure your city manager that Cloudpermit adheres to strict privacy and security standards.

Your data is stored within your company’s borders in the Google Cloud Platform, and we perform regular security testing to eliminate threats. There is also the often-overlooked advantage of protecting your information from physical vulnerabilities such as hardware failures, theft, forgeries, and natural disasters.

Propose an Easy Implementation Strategy

Other software providers can take years to get teams up and running with their software – not Cloudpermit. We have an industry-leading implementation process that quickly sets departments up for success.

Our Customer Success Managers are matched with each team to ensure those involved in the onboarding process understand how to use the software. It’s a good idea to explain to your city manager the plan you have in place to allocate extra time to training to ensure a smooth implementation process that will benefit the community in the long run.

Long-Term Scalability and Flexibility

Reassure your city manager that Cloudpermit is designed as scalable software that can grow with your department. Since we have unlimited user licenses, you can add as many users as you want at no additional cost. This makes it easy to add new staff if your department grows or to accept a helping hand from surrounding communities in the event of a natural disaster. It is a flexible, forward-thinking investment that allows your team to grow sustainably.

Involve Our Sales Expert

An important point to consider is involving one of Cloudpermit’s skilled sales experts. Our sales managers can make your case to your city manager, bring additional information, and serve as a valuable resource for any questions they might have.

Cloudpermit is not just software, it is a catalyst for digital and efficient transformation within your community. To learn more about how to present our software to your city manager, reach out to us.