The Town of Niagara-on-the-Lake has chosen Cloudpermit for its online building permitting software. The Town is often referred to as the loveliest town in Ontario and now staff can enjoy Cloudpermit’s simple and user-friendly software.
Cloudpermit allows building departments to use interactive maps integrated with their GIS (geographic information system) to find building permit locations with property borders, owner information, and contact information. Staff can also receive detailed and accurate property data without filling in information for fast access to accurate details.
Building departments can use address and property identification number searches to find correct locations. Online and interactive maps also allow staff to view zoning information and re-read property information if it changes during the building permit process. They also benefit from access to different layers such as flooding maps, heritage areas, and construction areas.
Niagara-on-the-Lake's over 17,000 residents will benefit from online building permitting with Cloudpermit. We look forward to continuing to grow our reach across Ontario to give Canadians simple and efficient community development.