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Unlocking Innovation: Going Beyond Dollars in Local Government Budgets

Written by Cloudpermit | Jan 25, 2024 4:06:49 PM

Investing in innovative, online community development software is not only a matter of modernization. It is also a strategic move that directly impacts government efficiency and transparency.

The right software for building permitting, inspections, business licensing, planning & zoning, and code enforcement is essential to an effective budget.

Key Benefits for Governments:

Adaptable: Modern software empowers local governments to adapt to changing needs and scale with governments during growth.

Cloudpermit updates its software every few weeks, so governments always access new features they need. Our team pays attention to state and provincial regulations that dictate what each jurisdiction requires, so authorities access up-to-date processes.

Our software also offers an unlimited user license, so governments can add as many users as needed without any additional charges.

Citizen Engagement: Online software allows citizens to be more involved and informed with their projects.

Citizens can apply for building permits and business licenses, as well as submit complaints – all from the comfort of their homes. They do not need to travel to the government office to work on their projects or call into the office to ask a question. Instead, they can do everything from their phones, tablets, and computers.

Governments can also organize planning projects online and communicate with residents about projects with time-stamped messages. This ensures citizens can stay engaged with their community and government.

Data Security: Storing important information in the cloud can protect data from physical vulnerabilities and potential security threats.

A breach in data integrity not only compromises public trust but also puts community data at risk. This makes budgeting for secure software a critical initiative.

Modern software empowers local governments to adapt to changing needs and scale with governments during growth.

Greater Efficiency: Online community development software allows governments to become significantly more efficient.

Governments can issue building permits 80% faster with Cloudpermit than with paper-based systems. Staff can also keep all information in the same place so there is less time spent looking for the right information – everything is easily accessible.

Inspectors can also conduct inspections in the field with any mobile device.

Natural Disaster Response: Governments can better respond to natural disasters by keeping all information accessible for multiple stakeholders.

Staff can work together on the same files, perform inspections in the field, issue repair and prohibited occupancy orders, issue demolition orders, and add other communities to projects for extra help.

It’s in the best interest of communities to be prepared for natural disasters, and to stay on budget.

To learn more about why Cloudpermit is an excellent choice for this year’s budget, reach out to one of our sales experts.