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Trustworthy Tech: 5 Key Software Features for Citizen Confidence

Written by Cloudpermit | Jun 26, 2024 1:28:16 PM

Online software can play a significant role in reducing the barriers between citizens and governments.

Most Americans trust local governments more than other levels of government, like Congress. Yet, there are many citizens who lack trust in their local government.

In a recent survey, some respondents shared they do not trust their local government. More than 50% of these people said they would support their local government buying software to increase transparency.

In the same survey, it was found that 82% of its U.S. respondents thought it was important for their local government to provide transparency and access into administrative decisions.

Though, the software that governments pick matters too.

In a survey by Deloitte, it was found that digital experience drives trust: “A citizen’s digital experience with a government agency was a strong predictor of their overall level of trust.”

So, what should you look for in software to build greater trust between citizens and local governments?

  • Direction communication channels
  • Automatic notifications
  • Multiple languages
  • Accessible 24/7
  • User-friendly interface

Direct Communication Channels

Sometimes, it can be difficult for citizens to get in touch with their respective government. They can send an email, make a phone call, or visit the office during regular business hours. It can be hard to keep track of conversations when they take place in multiple places.

It's easier for everyone when citizens have a direct communication channel to talk with governments.

All conversations can be kept in the same place for easy access and better accountability.

Automatic Notifications

Oftentimes, citizens must call or email to find out about the progress of their project. This can lead to preventable frustration as phone tag, or delays can happen.

Online permit management software makes it easy for residents to stay informed without any action on their end. They are automatically notified when the status of their project or inspection changes.

Multiple Languages

Language barriers can limit who can access community development projects and apply online without additional support if services are only offered in one language.

It’s important to find community development software that offers services in multiple languages. This improves accessibility and encourages more residents to engage with their community in a user-friendly way.

Accessible 24/7

Most government offices operate only during regular business hours. This schedule creates significant challenges for citizens who need to submit applications in person. It's not just the travel time, which can exceed three hours in remote areas. Residents also must make these trips during their work hours, causing major inconvenience and disruption.

The right code compliance software allows residents and applicants to submit applications wherever and whenever it suits them best.

User-Friendly Interface

It can be frustrating when systems are not easy to use or understand. The wrong software can lead to even more questions at the front counter and delays in the development approval process.

A user-friendly system is key for citizens to navigate their projects seamlessly. The right tools provide step-by-step guidance to help users understand what is required at each stage of their application. This reduces or eliminates incomplete applications, which is one of the main bottlenecks between governments and homeowners.

These features collectively contribute to building greater trust between citizens and local governments by making government services more transparent, accessible, and user-friendly.

To learn more about what makes trustworthy tech, reach out to us to learn how Cloudpermit measures up.