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New Generation of Building Safety Workers Will Lead the Way

Written by Cloudpermit | May 12, 2022 4:30:00 PM

Building safety professionals are integral to the industry to ensure buildings are built under the latest code adoptions and older buildings are inspected and kept up to modern code standards

The existing skilled workforce has been on a large decline since 2014. The building industry is taking a massive hit by losing up to 80% of skilled professionals. There will be a lot of vacant positions but at the same time, there will be a lot of new opportunities for individuals looking to pursue a career as a building safety worker.

Safety 2.0 Program  

The International Code Council's (ICC) Safety 2.0 program initiative comes into play and makes a massive impact to help fill these vacant positions. Veterans and leaders in the industry are encouraged to act as mentors to the new up-and-coming generation of safety workers. Training is made available for individuals looking for a new career path. Building safety workers who are just starting out are hungry to learn and can find opportunities for growth and career development to really sharpen their craft. When the whole building safety community works together, significant strides can be made to pave the way for the new generation.

Positions for the New Generation

With the ICC’s Safety 2.0 initiative, this ensures that the next generation will fill positions that have a positive impact on building safety for many years to come.

Building Officials

These officials are certified and put their seal of approval on new and existing building structures to ensure they are compliant with building codes and standards. They also oversee the approval and denial of building permits, ensuring structures are built according to safety standards. Without them, new or existing buildings could potentially exhibit future problems that could impact the livelihood of citizens.


Inspectors are on the frontlines to determine if structures are compliant with various building codes and standards. Several types of inspectors focus on areas such as building structure, plumbing, electrical, and specialty areas, like structural material fabrication and placement. They are on the front lines helping maintain the integrity and safety of both existing and new building structures.

Code Enforcement Officers

These officers have a broad range of responsibilities to uphold the health and safety of the public. For the building section, they typically evaluate and enforce building codes when they are violated. To ensure safety, they issue warnings or citations, so the necessary changes are followed thoroughly that will have a positive impact on public safety.

The Future of Building Safety

The next generation of building safety workers is going to start to take the place of veterans in the workspace. It is great that the International Code Council (ICC) helps provide knowledge resources, training, and career development to push the envelope for the upcoming generation. With a younger generation entering the building safety workforce, it is expected that more local governments will leverage software and technology to become more efficient. This is where online community software, like Cloudpermit, comes into play to help building permitting, building planning, and code enforcement more efficiently and accessible online for both their staff and citizens.

To learn more about our easy-to-use software and book a demo with us. We cannot wait to make things more efficient for your citizens and local government staff.