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How Local Governments and Communities Prefer to Stay Informed

Written by Cloudpermit | Aug 29, 2024 1:42:16 PM

Staying engaged with local government news and trends is essential for informed community participation and effective decision-making.

In our recent social media poll, we learned that local government staff and the communities they serve like to stay updated in different ways.

How Local Governments Prefer to Stay Informed

We asked local government staff how they prefer to stay updated on the latest trends in a recent social media poll. The results revealed a strong preference for conferences and webinars with 46% of respondents choosing this as the way they prefer to stay updated. These events offer opportunities to learn from experts, discover new tools, and engage with emerging trends in the field.

Networking with peers is another popular way to stay in the loop with 38% of people saying it’s how they prefer to stay in the loop. It’s all about swapping ideas, sharing experiences, and building connections that can lead to real-world solutions.

Meanwhile, 8% of respondents prefer scrolling through social media for updates, and another 8% stick to reading industry publications for a deeper dive into the latest trends. These results show that local government professionals have different ways of keeping up with what’s happening in their field.

How Communities Prefer to Stay Informed

In our poll, we also asked local government professionals how their community prefers to receive updates on local government initiatives. The results showed two top choices for how citizens like to stay in the loop – social media posts and monthly newsletters.

Social media took the top spot with 40% of respondents, while monthly newsletters were a close second at 30%. People seem to like the instant updates from social media, but they also appreciate the more detailed info they get from newsletters.

Together, these two methods highlight the balance between quick, on-the-go information and in-depth insights preferred by local government professionals.

20% of respondents chose public meetings and another 10% chose community bulletin boards. This again highlights that some citizens prefer quick updates, and some prefer more detailed information.

A social media follower recently pointed out the importance of communicating across multiple channels to ensure fair messaging—a view we share at Cloudpermit. It’s all about reaching a wide audience and keeping communication inclusive.

How Cloudpermit Keeps Communities Informed

At Cloudpermit, we prioritize keeping our users informed with seamless, automatic updates and notifications. So, when there is an update to a project or inspection, our users know right away.

Our online community development platform also centralizes all communication. Government staff and citizens can easily send time-stamped direct or group messages in the same place they apply for and review applications. This eliminates the need for phone tag, digging through endless emails, or tracking office visits—everything is stored in one convenient online location.

By simplifying how we keep our users informed, Cloudpermit helps local governments stay on top of essential information and maintain efficient operations.

To learn more about how our platform keeps our community informed, reach out to us.