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15 Ways Cloudpermit Speeds Up Permit Processing Times

Written by Cloudpermit | Aug 15, 2024 1:57:58 PM

Efficiency in local government operations is more crucial now than ever. With increasing demands on local governments to meet deadlines and maintain transparency, the traditional methods of handling permit applications are proving to be outdated. Enter Cloudpermit—an online platform that transforms the permit processing landscape, making it faster, more efficient, and user-friendly.

Here's how Cloudpermit speeds up the process:

1. Online Applications – 80% Faster Than Paper

Switching from paper to online applications can speed up the process by 80%. Instead of dealing with lost papers and slow mail, applicants can submit everything digitally, and your team can access it instantly with our online permitting software product.

2. Mobile Access to Work from Anywhere

Inspectors can access Cloudpermit on their mobile devices, like their phones or tablets. This allows them to review documents, update statuses, and communicate with others from anywhere. This mobility and flexibility speed up inspections and keep the process moving, even when staff are out in the field.

There is also an app, Cloudpermit Inspections, that allows inspectors to work online and offline, so whether you have service or not, you can complete an inspection (learn more about our app here).

3. Automatic Compliance and Reporting

Cloudpermit also helps with compliance. As new state requirements in Washington take effect in 2025, Cloudpermit can automatically track and generate the reports needed to make it easier to meet these mandates.

Learn more about the new mandates here and find out about grants that can support Washington governments here.

Many other states have also introduced bills, grants, and initiatives to speed up permitting, like:

In 2023, Washington also introduced SB 5290 to help combat the national housing crisis.

Cloudpermit can help governments stay compliant with state and federal initiatives for faster and simpler community development.

4. Centralized Data

Cloudpermit stores all permit-related information in one secure platform. This means no more searching through different systems or files—everything is right where you need it when you need it. This saves time and reduces errors.

5. Complete Applications

Incomplete applications are a common cause of delays. Cloudpermit requires applicants to attach all necessary documents before they can submit their applications. This ensures that all applications are submitted complete and are ready for review when they reach government staff. This speeds up the approval process and reduces back-and-forth communication trying to chase down the right files.

6. Better Communication and Transparency

With Cloudpermit, everyone involved—applicants, reviewers, and inspectors—can communicate through the platform. This real-time communication reduces misunderstandings and speeds up decisions. Applicants can also check their application status anytime instead of needing to call or email their respective government for more information. This cuts down on inquiries and frees up staff time.

7. Real-Time Updates and Notifications

Cloudpermit keeps everyone informed and involved online with real-time project updates and notifications. This ensures stakeholders are always in the loop, prevents delays, and keeps the process moving smoothly.

8. Automated Workflows

Cloudpermit’s automated workflows ensure that each step in the permit process is completed in a timely and consistent manner. This automation reduces bottlenecks and ensures that nothing falls through the cracks for faster processing times.

9. User-Friendly Interface

This intuitive, user-friendly interface means that staff and applicants alike can quickly learn how to use the system. This minimizes training time and allows your team to start working more efficiently right away.

It also means citizens are happier when they understand what they need to do.

10. Less Paperwork

By reducing or eliminating paperwork, Cloudpermit speeds up the process and supports environmental sustainability. Digital submissions are faster to process and easier to manage, which cuts down on physical storage needs and the time spent handling paper.

11. Integrated Payment Processing

Cloudpermit integrates with a variety of payment providers. This allows applicants to pay fees online as they submit their applications. This streamlines the process, reduces delays, and ensures that applications can be processed without waiting for payments to be received.

This also reduces office visits since applicants no longer need to pay in-person at the front desk but can pay from anywhere online.

12. Configurable Forms

Cloudpermit allows local governments to configure forms and workflows to meet specific local needs. This flexibility ensures that the system fits your unique requirements for greater ease of use and efficiency.

13. Secure Document Storage

All documents submitted through Cloudpermit are securely stored in the cloud. This protects sensitive information and ensures it remains easily accessible. This secure storage means less time spent managing physical documents and more time focused on processing permits.

14. Multi-Department Collaboration

Cloudpermit facilitates collaboration across different departments within local government. Departments can easily share relevant information with each other, like building departments sharing property owner information with fire departments during an emergency. Departments can access and work on the same platform, which boosts collaborative efforts for simpler community development. This is especially helpful during natural disasters for quicker response times and help from other communities.

15. Data Analytics for Informed Decision-Making

Cloudpermit includes data analytics tools that allow local governments to analyze trends, monitor performance, and make informed decisions. This data-driven approach helps identify areas for improvement, leading to faster and more efficient processing times.

To learn more about how Cloudpermit speeds up permitting processing times, book a demo with us.